
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wild Rose Detox, Day 2: Is this detox for you?

Breakfast: Raspberry, soy milk and apple juice smoothie

Lunch: 'Autumn salad' with spinach, pumpkin, brussel sprouts and roast chicken in an olive oil, lemon and shallot dressing

Dinner: Another autumn salad (!) slightly modified by adding tomatoes and cajun-spiced chicken

Day 2 of the detox has been slightly more challenging that Day 1, and it leads me to recall some of difficulties involved! Even though this is not such a restrictive diet, it is quite difficult to maintain if you are not prepared. Tonight, I stared blankly at the supermarket shelves, waiting to be inspired about what I will eat tomorrow for lunch and dinner. You always have to be a couple of steps ahead, or else you risk falling off the wagon, or starving! Food can soon become quite boring when you eat the same thing for several meals in a row. Although it is certainly easier to cook up a large batch and eat it over 3-4 days, you will start to find it a bit tedious, and all of a sudden want something as crazy as a triple cheese meatlovers pizza, or something as simple as a slice of buttered toast with melted cheese. Yum...

What am I talking about?! Don't listen to me, I'm just feeling a bit sorry for myself because I've eaten two salads in a row. I'm feeling the need for a steak tomorrow - which is allowed, thank the heavens!

Anyway, I am determined to stay on track! It's a good idea to have a small motivation, a treat or a little present waiting for you at the end of two weeks of hard work - a carrot on a stick.  I have one, and every time I think that this is just too hard, I'm going to think of that carrot, shut up, and eat my quinoa.

Today, I experienced lethargy, headaches, and general lack of motivation. I remember having the same symptoms the last time I did this, so I'm not worried and I know it will pass in the next couple of days.

But it has made me think about the optimum conditions that are not necessary but certainly helpful for completing this detox easily. I am lucky because I work from home, and have the luxury to be able to put together a meal at lunch time, not having to prepare everything in a lunch box to take to work. Not that doing this is particularly difficult - I did the detox with my flatmate DW previously, and she had no problems really - in fact her colleagues started to become really intrigued in all the interesting food she brought to work every day!

Could this detox be for you? It could be! But to make life easier, it's better if you:
  • have the time (and patience) to prepare and cook every evening. This usually involves making a larger meal that you can eat for lunch the following day, boiling a vegetable stock to use for tomorrows' soup, planning a menu and shopping for ingredients in advance. If you work very late and this doesn't fit into your usual hectic daily schedule, then perhaps wait for a long holiday to try this.
  • have a microwave at work to heat up your meals
  • prepare useful Tupperware for your soups and lunch meals, as well as large bottles so you can make enough of your smoothie or juice to drink throughout the day.
  • live close to a gym where you can exercise those toxins out and have a little steam-room session (this is before you go home and carry out the first point!)
  • work close to a bathroom in your office ... I am loathe to mention it, but you will find yourself running there several times a day!
  • don't make many social plans during the detox, and use it as a time to rest, recuperate and spoil yourself. Have facials, go for massages (also good for releasing toxins!), have a manicure, go to yoga...seeing other people eat and drink will be bearable perhaps once or twice, but it is too tempting to cheat if you stick to your regular social life.
Until tomorrow! :-)

Exercise: 30 minutes on the elliptical machine
Feel-good activities: steam room at the gym
Weight: 55.5kg
How I feel in 3 words or phrases: distracted, headache-y, drained

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